Bonita Lee Penn is a Pittsburgh poet, editor, literary curator, writing facilitator, and author of the chapbook, Every Morning A Foot Is Looking for My Neck. Her work has appeared in JOINT. Literary Magazine, Hot Metal Bridge Journal, The Massachusetts Review, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Women Studies Quarterly, Voices from the Attic Anthology, Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices, and others. Her poem Nina’s Fire: Frantic Go-Go was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Sarah Anderson holds an MFA in poetry from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers. She has 18 years of high school teaching experience, and currently teaches English at Berwick Academy. With her husband, she owns and operates The Word Barn in Exeter, NH, a gathering space for literary and musical events, where she runs a reading series (The Silo Series) as well as creative writing workshops. Her poems have appeared in various journals, including December Magazine, Raleigh Review, and North American Review, and her first book – We Hold On To What We Can—was published this past June by Loom Press.