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What The Universe Is: Leslie Marie Aguilar and Jennifer LeBlanc

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This month What The Universe Is: A Reading Series is thrilled to present two incredible poets:

Leslie Marie Aguilar originally hails from the heartland of Texas. She received her MFA from Indiana University, where she served as the Poetry Editor of Indiana Review. Her work has been supported by the National Society of Arts and Letters and the Fine Arts Work Center. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Callaloo, Hobart, Ninth Letter, Rattle, Sonora Review, The Journal, and Washington Square Review among others. She is the author of Mesquite Manual (New Delta Review, 2015), and currently works as the Managing Editor for SEL Studies in English Literature 1500–1900, at Rice University.

Jennifer LeBlanc earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University. Her first full-length book, Descent, was published by Finishing Line Press (2020), and individual poems have been published in journals such as The Adirondack ReviewCAIRNThe Main Street Rag, and Melusine. Jennifer was nominated for a 2013 Pushcart Prize and works in the English Department at Tufts University.

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